Catholic Bishops Around The World Demand IOC Apologize for 'Blasphemous' Skit

In a strongly worded open letter, Catholic cardinals and bishops from around the world are calling on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to “repudiate” and “apologize” for the “intentionally hateful mockery” of the Last Supper during the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympics.


In addition, “the undersigned commit to a day of prayer and fasting in reparation for this blasphemy.” ...

While 15 of the 24 signatories are from the U.S. — including Archbishop Samuel Aquila of Denver; Archbishop Emeritus Charles Chaput of Philadelphia; Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco; Archbishop James Conley of Lincoln, Nebraska; and Archbishop Andrew Cozzens of Crookston, Minnesota — bishops from Argentina, France, Ghana, Lebanon, Nigeria, Peru, and the United Kingdom also signed the letter.

Ed Morrissey

Good. And let's hope more bishops and cardinals sign the open letter as well. The French bishops actually did take a strong stand against this insult in the opening ceremonies, and they deserve more mutual support. 

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