So Is Kamala Harris Going with Shapiro or What?

The fact that Harris’s veep tour starts in Philadelphia on Tuesday tells us one of two things.

Scenario one: Harris is going to pick Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro.


Scenario two: Harris is going to pick someone else, and Shapiro will have to attend that rally and clap and smile like an Oscar nominee everyone has been raving about, only to have the Academy select someone else from an indie film that nobody saw. Shapiro is such a glaringly obvious, slam-dunk choice that if Harris doesn’t pick him, people will wonder if something disqualifying came up during the vetting.

Ed Morrissey

Scenario 3: Shapiro doesn't want it.

Shapiro does make the most sense, electorally speaking, IF you think running mates matter in general elections. There isn't much data to support that premise, and some that contradicts it. But adding Shapiro to the ticket will anger the pro-Palestinian Left to whom Biden and now Harris keep pandering. 

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