Zelensky: I'll Have an 'Action Plan for Peace' by November

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Saturday he will put the finishing touches on an “action plan for peace” by the end of November. He added that he cannot discuss a ceasefire while Russian forces occupy Ukrainian territory.


Zelensky touted his “action plan for peace” as an extension of June’s “Global Peace Summit” in Switzerland, which produced a communique calling for restoration of Ukraine’s “territorial integrity.”

Representatives from 91 nations signed the communique, but Russia was not one of them. Russian President Vladimir Putin instead demanded Ukraine surrender its occupied eastern provinces to Russian control and abandon its plans to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Putin additionally demanded all foreign forces withdraw from the Eastern European region he imagines as Russia’s sphere of influence.

Ed Morrissey

He'll need to have a plan ready if NATO tires of the war effort. But NATO will not pull out of the Baltic states, Poland, Romania, or other eastern frontier members after Putin's invasion of Ukraine. He's dreaming if he thinks that will fly. 

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