NEW: Anita Dunn Leaves WH After Getting Blindsided by Biden Withdrawal


When Biden dropped out of the race on Sunday 7/21, Dunn found out one minute before the public, on a call with the rest of Biden’s staff.

Backstory: multiple sources tell FOX there was a longstanding rift between Hunter Biden, Dunn, and Dunn’s husband, Bob Bauer – who advocated that President Biden keep his son’s legal issues far away from the White House. After Biden’s debate tanked his campaign, Hunter “got his way” – and the inner circle shrank to exclude Dunn.

A source familiar with Dunn’s exit says that she could have remained in her role should she have chosen to – and pointed FOX to glowing statements about Dunn from nearly a half-dozen top officials.

Ed Morrissey

There had been ongoing rumors that Dunn had been pushed out of the inner circle of decision-making, perhaps a result of Barack Obama's heavy-handed intervention. She'll be more at home with Harris, one imagines. 

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