Why Is It Only Escalation When Israel Retaliates?

The New York Times is breathing a sigh of relief. For while Israel has fired a few rockets at Lebanon in response to Hezbollah’s massacre of 12 Druze kids in the Golan Heights on Saturday, it has stopped short of launching all-out war on its unfriendly neighbour. For now, says the NYT, we’ve not seen a ‘major escalation’ in Israel-Lebanon hostilities. Yes we have. The slaughter of the Druze youths was a ‘major escalation’. Hezbollah’s firing of a missile that butchered 12 children was surely the very ‘surge in fighting’ that the NYT fears. Or is it only ‘escalation’ when Israel retaliates to the apocalyptic violence of the Islamist armies that surround it?


The media chatter in the wake of Saturday’s bloodbath has been incredibly – and depressingly – revealing.

Ed Morrissey

It was ever thus. Back in the 1970s, a joke went around about Arab terrorists kidnaping an American, a Brit, and an Israeli. To shorten the joke, the Israeli asked the terrorists to punch him, kick him, and to whip him, after which he pulled out an Uzi and killed them all. The American and Brit asked why the Israeli had taken so much abuse before acting, and he said that if he hadn't, they would have blamed the conflict on him.

So not much has changed, except these days, they'd still blame the Israeli. 

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