Report: US Military Readiness Weakest in Decades

America’s odds of fighting a major war are the highest in 80 years, and its military isn’t prepared for one.

This was the finding of a bipartisan panel tasked by Congress to review U.S. defense strategy. Its nearly 100-page report reveals a crisis of confidence in American national security.


The commission chides a Pentagon it considers too plodding, a Congress it considers too partisan and multiple administrations it says have been too complacent to address threats from China, Russia and countries in the Middle East.

“The nation was last prepared for such a fight during the Cold War, which ended 35 years ago,” the report reads. “It is not prepared today.”

Ed Morrissey

This blame gets spread out across both parties and multiple administrations, and for good reasons. However, the current administration has done the most to embolden and enrich our enemies, especially Iran, while refusing to commit to actual military readiness. This will not improve in a Kamala Harris presidency; at least Trump wants to commit some resources to the issue. 

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