Paris Olympics Opening Ceremonies Perfectly Captures Leftist Degeneracy

Any jokes about cowardice or cheese-loving aside, France undeniably occupies a position as one of the pillars of Western civilization, with monumental contributions to literature, art, and science. Drawing upon a rich history and culture, it had the chance to show the world a vibrant and resilient nation ready to thrive in the 21st century, especially after a chaotic election earlier in July.


Instead, France decided to showcase the gender madness and degeneracy that are slowly but surely eroding the West. ...

After global backlash, Olympic officials have scrambled to gaslight the audience, insisting that any similarity to “The Last Supper” was “completely unintentional” and that “there was never any intention to show disrespect towards any religious group or belief.”

Not only are those excuses obviously false to anyone with even a passing familiarity with Christian symbolism and LGBT activists’ obsession with subverting it, they’re undermined by the fact that other parts of the ceremony featured the same wanton disregard for morality.

Ed Morrissey

As Daniel goes on to argue -- and I would say this is an even stronger argument -- the derivative nature of this "art" shows the creative bankruptcy of the Left as well, perhaps in even more stark relief. 

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