NY Mag Conquers the Everest of Cringe

Harris, obviously, is sitting on a giant coconut. I’ve been considering it, not wanting to rush to the wrong joke. I may have to get high to it a few times (Manhattan teens must be doing so already). The meme was born when she described her grandmother chiding young people who think “you just fell out of a coconut tree.” She then deployed “I once caught a fish this big” hands to spell out: “You exist in the context… of all in which you live… and what came before you.” Like, you didn’t make it on your own, man. It’s all about context. Of course hers currently is Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Barack Obama eliminating competitive primaries and wood-chippering an elected president before elevating a candidate who’s set record unfavorability ratings and bailed on her last White House run after polling a distant fourth in her own state.


And so, even as “the Republican Party breaks the very institutions of democracy,” Kamala Harris sits high atop the coconut of hope, lifted not by voters but something far better: five politicians, George Clooney, and Beyoncé, in a process seen by none but accomplished with “astonishing speed.” Kamalot!

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