Alphabets Gush Over Kamalot!

The Monday morning flagship network news shows began with heavy doses of rank propaganda for Vice President Kamala Harris, telling viewers to find joy in saying “this is an entirely different campaign” with “momentum” and “new signs of strength” for Democrats now that President Joe Biden has been axed.


In contrast, they showed they’re in lockstep with the Harris campaign by falsely attacking Trump for saying there “won’t have to vote anymore if he’s elected” and bragging Senator JD Vance (R-OH) is still “facing backlash” nearly a week into the (clearly coordinated) campaign to destroy Vance for “2021 comments referring to some Democrats as childless cat ladies”.

Ed Morrissey

The "cat ladies" comments are fair game for criticism, even if vastly overblown. As I told Andrew this week for the podcast, people in politics have to decide whether they want to run for office, be political analysts, or do improvisational comedy. Trying to do two or more of those simultaneously doesn't usually work out well. 

The mainstream media coverage is exactly what we expected, though. 

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