Media’s Soviet-Style Airbrushing of Kamala Harris’ Problematic History

Today I time traveled back to my days in the USSR as a student, and my study of Soviet history. Or should I say Soviet historical revisionism.

Below is my take on these two stories we covered:


Today I had a little bit of PTSD reaction to the news cycle.As many of you know, I studied in the Soviet Union during college. I traveled extensively throughout the country and I became very friendly with dissident and refusenik families who were being persecuted. So I knew Soviet history very well.

And there’s a joke that I saw on Twitter today, which was that in the Soviet Union, the future was always written, but it’s the past that kept changing. And what they were talking about is Stalin and other Soviet leaders had a habit of changing history. And they would do it in many ways. And one of the ways they would do it as featured in this image.

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