President Quitter Can’t Explain Why He Dropped Out

Look, Biden chose to not pursue a second term either because of the polls, or because of his age and health, or both. The president just couldn’t bring himself to say it in front of the cameras. If you read between the lines, it’s clear Biden thinks he deserves a second term and should be the nominee. But what Biden euphemistically calls his party’s lack of unity makes that impossible — meaning too many Democrats stand in the way of his goal, because they think he has no chance. The Democratic Party’s “Super Friends” never showed up at his house, but clearly Biden and his inner circle looked at the prospect of a party civil war with Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, George Clooney, and the rest and concluded they would lose.


Ed Morrissey

He didn't tell the truth because he couldn't admit to it. The truth is that he's suffering from cognitive decline and he shouldn't have run in the primaries in the first place. As I'll write later, that doesn't make his tardy withdrawal "selfless" -- just the opposite, in fact. 

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