Calling Kamala a "DEI Hire" is "Extremely Offensive and Dehumanizing"

Former White House adviser Susan Rice said Tuesday on CNN’s “Situation Room” that it was “extremely offensive and dehumanizing” to say Vice President Harris is a DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) hire.


Host Wolf Blitzer said, “Donald Trump is already slamming her, Kamala Harris, in his words as being ‘dumb as a rock,’ his words. He says she’s dumb as rock, other Republicans are saying she was at diversity hire. What’s your reaction when you hear that?”

Rice said, “That is extremely offensive and dehumanizing. Let me tell you what it means when somebody calls a person like me or anybody else a DEI hire. What that means is, if you are a woman of any background, if you are a person of color, if you are an immigrant, if you are LGBTQ, if you are disabled, if you’re religious minority, if you’re a veteran and you achieved success rose to a position of leadership you didn’t deserve it, you didn’t get there on merit you got there because you got some unfair advantage. That is incredibly insulting to the vast majority of Americans who fall into all of those categories.”

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