RIP to My Friend, Walter Shapiro

In peak ironic timing that he of course would have appreciated, word of Walter’s death (I can hardly bear typing that phrase) came on a Sunday morning, when lots of political journalists were online tracking the talk shows, unaware that a few hours later, President Joe Biden would suddenly “stand down” from running for reelection. By posting a letter on X/Twitter. And then waiting a half hour to mention he was endorsing his vice president, Kamala Harris.


That’s the kind of news political junkies wait lifetimes for and rarely encounter. Like so many others, I wanted to know what Walter thought. It wasn’t the first time in the last 10 days. I keep tripping over emails and direct messages and jokes.

Ed Morrissey

My condolences to Jill, the family and friends of columnist Walter Shapiro, and all those who read them. This is a lovely tribute by Jill, and given our own recent loss, all the more affecting. 

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