By the Time Dems Realize Their Mistake ...

Trump's pollster says the same that I did -- this is the "Honeymoon" phase, and we'll have to wait a month to see where the polls finally stabilize.

I don't mind polls showing Harris doing okay right now. I want Democrats to think that she's their best option, because she's one of their weakest possible choices.


First of all, as Ethan Van Sciver put it, she's a "ding-a-ling." She's a "giggling idiot," someone else called her. Brit Hume, if I remember correctly (which I probably don't).

She will not wear well. Especially when she gets caught slurring-drunk at 3pm in the afternoon again. She will fall out of the Rum-and-Coke-anut tree again.

Second of all, she is the Democrat most bound to Biden's disastrous presidency apart from Biden.

Ed Morrissey

I'm not sure we'll see a "honeymoon" phase at all. Politicians get honeymoons because voters invested themselves in their candidacy. Voters never got the opportunity to choose the nominee after Biden's withdrawal, so I wouldn't expect to see much of a bump -- and whatever it may be won't last very long at all. 

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