FL Circuit Judge Denies Pulitzer Board Dismissal of Trump Defamation Suit

Beege Welborn

Interestingly enough, I can find nothing yet on this in the newsfeeds. The one lone story buried about 5 or six down the search page is a 2022 piece where the Pulitzer board tells Trump to blow it out his piehole.

The Pulitzer Prize Board on Monday rejected former President Donald Trump’s yearslong campaign for the organization to strip The New York Times and The Washington Post of the awards they received for their reporting on Russian election interference.

The board made that decision after two separate, independent reviews found that the award-winning reporting on Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential contest between Trump and Hillary Clinton stood up to scrutiny.

No passages or headlines, contentions or assertions in any of the winning submissions were discredited by facts that emerged subsequent to the conferral of the prizes,” the Pulitzer board said in a press release.

And they certainly sound pretty stupid now.

This could be fun.

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