Democrats Fear, Loathing Can't Bring Down Trump

During the past several days at the RNC convention, and since the attempted assassination of former, and likely future president Donald Trump, Americans across the political spectrum have had an opportunity to fully grasp how much they’ve been misled about Trump and conservatives in general. Trump, they’ve realized, is not a monster, and with that comes the understanding that everyone has been lied to by the left about, well, everything.


Democrats have spent nearly a decade demonizing, denouncing, and fearmongering about conservatives in general and Trump specifically. Americans have endured for years hearing the Democrats constantly comparing our former president to Adolf Hitler and other obscene villains, and warning that he will become a fascist dictator (of course) if he is reelected. So, is it any wonder that a disturbed young man tried to assassinate him?

President Joe Biden has enthusiastically followed the fearmongering narrative. On the day after his disastrous debate performance against Trump last month, when Biden’s sadly diminished ability to think on his feet and speak coherently was exposed for the world to see, Biden tweeted: “Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation. He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He’s literally a threat to everything America stands for.” This was the natural culmination of almost a decade of apocalyptic lies about the former president.

Now that Biden’s candidacy is on life support desperate Democrats are again frantically trying to get him to step aside so they can arrange a different presidential nominee. Even as the GOP convention rolled on, Democrat leaders were staging nothing less than an intervention in the effort to throw the previously compliant Biden under their bus. No matter who ends up being at the top of the Democratic ticket, expect the Democrats to double-down on hyperbolic nonsense to make Trump out to be Hitler Jr., and his supporters will continue to be compared to terrorists. It’s all they have.


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