Judge Cannon Fires On Behalf of Representative Democracy

Cannon’s decision is a huge boon to Trump and lends yet more weight to his argument that the cases against him are politically motivated. After all, the classified-documents case was widely considered to be the most serious of the legal threats he faced. Those documents were infamously seized at the precedent-shattering FBI raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida in August 2022. The raid was even reported in the mainstream media as ‘a drastic step’ and ‘a dramatic escalation’.


While the current Trump-deranged Democratic establishment would be loath to admit it, because it benefits Trump in the immediate term, Cannon’s ruling could actually benefit both parties in the long run. With limited oversight and a virtually unlimited budget, the special counsel risked becoming a witchfinder general of sorts, without facing public accountability or congressional scrutiny. The Democrats might hold a lot of executive power right now, but the shoe could very well be on the other foot very soon.

Ed Morrissey

I hate special counsels for this very reason. We need to end the practice now and force Congress to do its job in checking executive abuse and overreach. In fact, we need to force Congress to do its job in legislating rather than pass that over to the executive branch, too. 

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