Hollywood Is Big Mad at Katzenberg Over Biden Reassurances

But now, with the shooting in Pennsylvania apparently crushing all that replace-Biden momentum, Democrats in Hollywood are surveying the wreckage and looking for someone to blame. And for many, the obvious someone to point a finger at is Jeffrey Katzenberg, former DreamWorks co-founder, Quibi co-creator, and currently Biden’s campaign co-chair. For months, Katzenberg has not only been bragging about his intimate access to the President but assuring anyone who would listen (and write a check) that Biden was in tip-top mental shape. While Biden’s press conference last week soothed some frayed nerves, others remained unconvinced.


“People are pissed,” a top Hollywood donor tells Hot Source. “Katzenberg asked for big, big checks and when people asked about the President’s health, he said, ‘No, no, no, he’s fine.’ But that was just a lie, a total lie.”  

Ed Morrissey

Well, disillusionment can be the first step toward wisdom and enlightenment. Will Hollywood figure out that Democrats and the media have conspired for years to cover up Biden's cognitive incapacity? And more importantly, will they care -- outside of the consequences of one election cycle?

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