Dems: Still Game On for Virtual Delegate Vote to Nominate Biden

President Joe Biden will receive the official nomination from fellow Democrats for a second term in a virtual vote as planned in late July, ahead of the party’s national convention, despite calls for him to step aside, four people involved in the process told Reuters.


Democrats and Republicans typically use their national conventions to officially nominate their candidates, but Biden will be nominated weeks before his party gathers for its Democratic National Convention in Chicago on August 19 – a plan that was announced long before Biden’s shaky June 27 debate.

Exactly how the early nominating process will work is unclear, however, said the state party officials and national Democrats interviewed for this story.

Ed Morrissey

Before Saturday, I'd have guessed that Democrats would have canceled this to keep pressure on Biden to withdraw. Now they clearly don't see any reason to pretend they can win in November, and at least Biden keeps a lid on the internecine warfare that would erupt in an open convention. 

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