Lefty British Paper Claims US Blockade Is What's Starving Cuban Elderly

Awww. Leftist newspaper The Guardian has published an article exposing the miserable lives of Cuba’s elderly, so many of whom dedicated their entire lives to creating the utopia promised by Castro, Inc. How sad. It was not supposed to end like this, says The Guardian. But the evil U.S. is really the cause of this failure, not Castro, Inc. The blockade, the blockade! This is the main reason that Cuba’s economy has collapsed. Damn Yankees! Viva el socialismo!


From The Guardian

In central Havana, Martha Ortega has been queueing for mince. She has both osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis causing her foot to drag, but she remains stylish, a checked shirt and denim handbag giving her the air of an 80-year-old cowgirl.

Until five years ago, Ortega was a receptionist in a local office of the Communist party of Cuba. Her pension is 1,575 pesos a month, but in the last three years, inflation has reduced its value to less than $5. “I try to spread it between food, medicines, whatever I can,” she says.

Beege Welborn

You know, I used to wonder about that, too, until working with Marco Rubio in the county during his first guerilla campaign for US Senate. Someone asked him about our 'cruel' blockade and asked how he could support it with what it denied the people of Cuba, and his answer was really something. He explained the people of Cuba could have anything they wanted or needed from anywhere else in the world, because only the US doesn't trade with them. Canada has open trade with the island, as does all of Europe. It's not that the Cuban people don't have access to the world's goods, but that the dictatorship running the country doesn't allow them to have them, even as the regime leaders have every luxury known to man and never a hungry day. 

They could feed every last Cuban tomorrow without the United States lifting a finger, but then what power would the Castro regime have over their people?

I've enlightened more than a few people in the years since that day.

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