Media and Dems Can't Fix What They Broke with Biden

As for the rest of us who aren't paid Biden shills, the performance did not instill much confidence. It did not put to rest the concerns most political observers have about Biden running for president again. He remains embroiled in crisis.


But perhaps more importantly, there remains very little most of us can do about it. Those in Biden's inner circle—which includes his family, like son Hunter, wife Jill, and sister Valerie, as well as a cadre of loyal staffers who have been with him for decades—have no incentive to give up power or to persuade Biden to call it quits. Instead, they stage-manage his performances, tightly controlling press access and feeding reporters softball questions. ...

One cannot help but wonder: If we had a media more interested in attempting to reveal the truth rather than aiding and abetting the man in power, how might things be different? How much sooner might we have learned about Biden's deteriorating condition? And how much harder would it have been for his inner circle to maintain and uphold the delusion that he's a suitable candidate for another four-year term as president?

Ed Morrissey

If our media reported the truth rather than promote propaganda via "narrative journalism," would we have ever elected Joe Biden in the first place -- a serial plagiarist, notorious incompetent, and vicious demagogue who got sold as an empathetic eminence grise?

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