Justice Served for Catherine Herridge at CBS News

CBS News president Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews — who was accused of sidelining white journalists and blocking an acclaimed correspondent’s reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop — is stepping down at the network, the company said Wednesday.


The controversial news boss, who was named president just last August, is exiting after she made headlines in February over the firing of Catherine Herridge, a respected senior investigative reporter who had been doggedly covering the Hunter Biden laptop story for the network. ...

As revealed by an investigation by The Post in January, Ciprian-Matthews had racked up HR complaints from staffers over unfair hiring and management practices, particularly against white female journalists. Among those who complained was Herridge, according to sources.

Ed Morrissey

Great news for Herridge, and overdue vindication. It's almost Monty Python-esque, though ...IYKYK.

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