Who's More Unfit -- Biden or the Media?

One nice thing about the sudden realization that FJB is unfit is the story gives everyone a chance to see how useless the press is. Victor Blackwell of CNN was freed on Saturday to tweet, “A radio host who interviewed President Biden on Wednesday tells me the White House sent her the questions before the interview.” His tweet linked his on-air interview.


ABC’s Jonathan Karl, former head of the White House Correspondents Association, acted shocked and tweeted, “Say what?”

Karl knows exactly what. He is surprised that you do too. Access is the name of the game for journalists. He who owns the access names the price. Trump gave access freely in his first term. I hope he learned his lesson.

In the meantime, I would love to figure out just what story the press is obscuring with this midsummer’s nightmare for Jell-O Brains.

Ed Morrissey

Can we call it a tie?

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