Joe Biden Is Not a Decent Man

As corporate media and a growing number Democrats try to force Biden to stand down — an effort that, at the moment, appears to be failing due to the adamant refusal of the Biden family including his wife, Dr. Jill, and son, Hunter, to give up power — the standard refrains heard on MSNBC and CNN debates about the issue always include the requisite tribute to his greatness as a president and his inherent decency and goodness.


We can dismiss the claim that his administration has been a great success, an astonishing disconnect with the reality of an inflation-ridden economy, open border, and a world in chaos on his watch, that is nonetheless ritually repeated regularly on the left-wing news channels. But Democrat partisans actually think they are on firmer ground in affirming that he’s a great guy — and therefore a stark contrast to Trump, whom they denounce as personally evil — even as they come to grips with the fact that he lacks the mental acuity to be the leader of the free world.

But the notion that “Scranton Joe” is a nice guy is as wrongheaded as the claim that he’s mentally competent or a brilliant leader.

Ed Morrissey

Joe Biden has never been anything than a lying, vicious demagogue and an empty suit blessed with great PR cover from the media. 

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