Society Does Not Have a Duty to Cater to Deviants and Misfits

There’s a lot of old knowledge that most people once took for granted that many modern Americans have seemingly forgotten. One of the bits of knowledge that an awful lot of people, particularly the youngest and most liberal Americans, seem to struggle with is that the world does not revolve around you or me or any of us really. There are many old sayings that tie into this idea in one way or another:


Given how lenient our society is and how customized capitalism has become, perhaps it’s understandable that some people have lost sight of reality. After all, we do live in the age of, “Have it your way,” “Customize your video game character,” and “Don’t judge anyone for anything.”

Kids spend years at school endlessly having their self-esteem puffed up for no good reason. They go to college and are told they need a safe zone to protect them from hearing ideas they disagree with. Then all of us watch videos, play games, and use apps that we personally pick out before we go to the grocery store where we pick from thousands of foods to eat and order exactly what we want from Amazon.

For an awful lot of people, this has created an entitled, narcissistic way of looking at life. They don’t need to adapt to the world, every single person they run across needs to adapt to them and the way that they do things. If they don’t, they have a right to throw a tantrum, play the victim, or demand an apology.

Beege Welborn

I'm not playing.

I'm always polite, but I'm not playing.

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