Pretty Generic POTATUS Interview But Humiliated 'Journalists' Are Going in for the Kill

I’m betting that, as you read this, you already know about Joe Biden’s absolute train-wreck of an interview with George Stephanopoulos. Although Biden was in better shape and more coherent than he was during his disastrous debate with Donald Trump, he still presented as a confused old man and, if you’re someone who believes in truth, not post-modern relativism, a dishonest old man. For those of us who have watched Biden’s decline, this was expected. What wasn’t expected was Stephanopoulos’s desperate attempts to get Joe to acknowledge he’s leaving the campaign and the post-interview talking heads’ savage attacks on Joe. That’s how you know Joe’s White House days are over.


We conservatives realized during the primary debates in 2019 that there was something wrong with Joe. Remember those bizarre claims about record players? Back then, before the Dems had consolidated around Biden as “the candidate,” they were willing to acknowledge his problems, whether age or the aura of 1970s racism that invariably clung to him—and that was the subject of Kamala Harris’s savage attack. However, once Biden was anointed (thanks, Jim Clyburn), the media switched modes.

For the past four years, we’ve witnessed the media engaged in the same thing that Bernard Goldberg described in his aptly titled book, A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media. The difference between the media’s love affair with Obama and its love affair with Biden is that Obama, while reprehensible (from a conservative, pro-American viewpoint) was, and is, sentient.


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