How Macron is Surging Against Patriotism in France

It really is remarkable to watch the similarities between left-wing politics in the USA and left-wing politics in France.  Historically, and in actual practice, we see this similarity as history rhymes and repeats. In both instances, you will note how the “mainstream” Democrats align with the communists to stop the majority of commonsense patriots.


In the USA, Democrats enjoy the activity of their foot soldiers in Antifa (Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, or RevCom etc.)  In France, the Democrats (NPF), within Macron’s camp, enjoy the activity of Black Bloc (the EU Antifa socialists and communists).

For this second round of the election, President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Gabriel Attal have organized 210 candidate exits, as Macron pulls his party toward the far-left.  The people, within the center of the Macron coalition, cannot believe how Macron would join with the communists, simply to retain his own power.  Apparently, they don’t follow history much.

FRANCE – […] “Macron reportedly refused to accept that the election result was a disaster and represents the end of his movement.

Criticizing his sudden decision to ally with far-left extremists, one minister said, “He is so drunk on himself that he is in a bubble. In every moment, he sincerely believes, even today, that he does the best thing that can possibly be done and says the best thing that can possibly be said.” 

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