Internal Polling Shows Dems Have Turned on Biden

New internal polling data from Open Labs shows substantial declines for Joe Biden in swing states following his moldy debate performance last Thursday, in which he repeatedly lost his train of thought while dazed beyond repair. 


"A confidential polling memo circulating among anxious Democrats is confirming some of their worst fears: President Joe Biden’s support has started to tumble in key electoral battlegrounds in the wake of his disastrous debate performance in Atlanta, and Biden’s diminished standing is now putting previously noncompetitive states like New Hampshire, Virginia, and New Mexico in play for Donald Trump," reported Puck News, which obtained the internal data polling.

Notably, Biden now trails Trump by seven in both Pennsylvania and Michigan – two states Biden almost certainly has to win in November. Biden also lost ground in Arizona and Georgia, both of which he won in 2020.

Should the Open Labs' polling data hold, the electoral map would shape out as follows.

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