Dem Rage at Biden Continues to Rise

What's happening: Multiple members told us they're furious the 81-year-old president has dragged his feet on reaching out to Democratic leaders, much less rank-and-file members in tough races. Some of these members believe the White House wants to shield Biden from people who'd try to argue why he should drop out.

  • "I don't know who's making decisions," said one House Democrat who's exasperated with the West Wing. "Why the hell isn't Biden on the phone with congressional leadership? ... Everybody now thinks he could cost us the majority." ...

In private, lawmakers are sharing stories of Biden's mental and physical decline. They're alarmed that it's mostly people related to Biden, or on his payroll, who're being consulted about his capacity — and his possible impact on the entire party and nation. They're certain the Biden family doesn't want him facing skeptics, even if they are friends.

Ed Morrissey

Nonsense. They all knew -- anyone with eyeballs could see that Biden is no longer competent to hold office, let alone run for another term. They preferred silence, and now they're panicking because voters are angry with them over the gaslighting. 

In cinematic terms ...

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