Stop Hyperventilating About Presidential Immunity

As I have previously written, I am not someone who has favored expansive presidential powers. As a Madisonian scholar, I favor Congress in most disputes with presidents. However, I saw good-faith arguments on both sides of this case and the Court adopted a middle road on immunity — rejecting the extreme positions of both the Trump team and the lower court.


One of the most glaring moments in the address came when President Biden declared that “for all…for all practical purposes, today’s decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits on what a president can do.”

That is not true.

Ed Morrissey

You know, this debate would be much more well-informed if people actually read the court opinion first before declaring it the basis for a monarchy in America. I may write more on this later, but Professor Turley has a fairly comprehensive look at the nonsense arguments that have emerged over the last 24 hours, most notably from Biden. 

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