Cardinal Burke Condemns POTATUS Receiving Communion

Cardinal Raymond Burke condemned President Joe Biden’s reception of Holy Communion as a “sacrilege” during an interview with Pints with Aquinas host Matt Fradd.


Discussing how American Catholics can “better revere” Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist, Cardinal Burke stressed the importance of a “deepening of faith” in the Blessed Sacrament. He pointed out that one sign that this is “lost” is that someone like Biden, who unrepentantly supports legal abortion – the killing of innocent babies – is permitted to receive Communion by American clergy.

Cardinal Burke noted that Biden “claims to be a devout Catholic and yet is in favor of aborting babies even in the birth canal” and is also “in favor of… [the] transgender agenda, which is a complete rebellion against God’s plan for us.” 

“And then that he approaches to receive Holy Communion – this is not possible, because he denies Christ in these very blatant public ways,” said Cardinal Burke. 

Beege Welborn

Welp. Someone's going to get a harshly worded letter on Vatican stationery shortly.

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