Biden Debate Disaster and the Root of Democrat Panic

Remember that old political bit about the dangerous 3 a.m. call to the White House?

We wanted our presidents to be strong, alert and vigilant. We want them sharp. We don’t want them to be chumbolones or dim witted, slack-jawed meat puppets performing at the direction of puppet master political bosses.


It was important to all of us that we elected leaders who could wake at 3 a.m., answer that phone and deal with whatever threat is out there to protect their people. Put your partisan politics aside and think of your nation. Was it President Joe Biden who showed himself to be that kind of leader? Or was it former President Donald Trump?

You know the answer. After last week’s disastrous presidential debate—dangerous for America in a world of predatory nuclear powers, and disastrous for the Democrats and their candidate  Biden—we should acknowledge some inconvenient truths.

Our adversaries and our allies know that Joe Biden is unfit for office. He proved it to all of us. The man is not a chief executive. He is not in charge. He is not capable of running a hot dog stand in a sleepy one-dog town, let alone the American White House in a dangerous world with China, Iran, Russia, North Korea and others demanding that we step down so they can take what they want.


So, who is running the White House? Not the sad sack of an Obama meat puppet on display at the CNN debate last week. Is some hack running the White House? Or could it be one of the faceless, hollow men of the Deep State that protected the Obamas, the Clintons and later the Bidens and let them them feed like engorged ticks? And all the while, the corrupt leftist corporate media brays like a herd of donkeys, telling us that that “Democracy Dies in Darkness.”

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