French Olympics Alert: Seine 'Too Dirty to Swim In'

Paris' river Seine was too dirty when tested on June 16 to allow the Olympic triathlon and open-water swimming events to be held there, an analysis showed on Friday, June 21.        


"Samples from the Seine do not meet the standards we will have this summer" for the river when the Olympic Games are held from July 26 to August 11, the Paris region prefect Marc Guillaume said.         

A weekly report published by the Paris region and mayor's office blamed unseasonal rainy weather for the high rates of two kinds of fecal bacteria, including E. Coli, in the waterway. "Water quality remains degraded due to... rain, high flow, little sunshine (and) temperatures below seasonal norms," it said.

Results posted online showed that the concentration of E. Coli was higher than the recommended limit in four locations on the river, for practically all of the week of June 10 to 16.

Beege Welborn

Quelle surprise.

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