United Airlines Deplanes Mother Over 'Transgender Slur'

We shouldn’t be surprised, should we? The crew on a United Airlines flight deplaned a Mom, her son and her Mom over an alleged “transgender” slur. The bully Trans Activists have cowed the elites into being their jack boot thugs while us poor schlubs are just out here trying to get from here to there before our toddler has a meltdown and we have a nervous breakdown. You ever traveled by plane, boat, train, car, or footpath with a 16 month old? Your
goal is to arrive at your destination with everyone in your party alive, little discomfiture to the surrounding living creatures and your own sanity intact. Pronoun awareness is NOT a priority. We will drag United Airlines.


Now, we could speculate on dear Jenna being a White, Liberal woman, she is from Austin, Texas and she is a hormone and women’s health expert, but she was traveling with a sixteen month old, so we give her a great deal of grace. Here is the story:

Jenna Longoria, a women’s health and hormone expert from outside of Austin, Texas, claims she was denied boarding on a United Airlines flight at San Francisco International Airport on Wednesday morning. Longoria, who was travelling with her 16-month-old son and mother, accidentally misgendered a flight attendant multiple times while boarding the plane.

“When (the flight attendant), who identifies as a woman, gave me our boarding passes, I said ‘thank you, sir.’ That is it. That is it,” Longoria told The Post, still perplexed by the incident. The flight attendant became upset and prevented Longoria’s mother, who had been assisting with her son, from proceeding past the gate.


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