'Unforgivable': Dems Blame Tapper, Bash for Biden Collapse

You can always tell who lost a presidential debate by which party is slamming the moderators afterwards. And in the wake of Joe Biden and Donald Trump‘s first 2024 presidential debate, many progressives are focusing their fire on CNN‘s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, calling out the duo for not fact-checking Trump in real time during the 90-minute face off. ...


Of course, countering untruths made by a candidate during a debate is primarily the responsibility of the rival candidate on stage. CNN’s debate format provided the opportunity for both candidates to give responses and rebuttals.

Ed Morrissey

Exactly. And these were the rules that Team Biden demanded. CNN made it clear from the beginning that it would not do 'fact checks' on either candidate during the debate. Don't blame Tapper and Bash because you nominated a complete incompetent and then spent  four years gaslighting everyone about it. 

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