The Worst Debate Performance Ever

Sure, it might sound like hyperbole, but I can’t think of a more devastating presidential debate performance than the one Joe Biden had in his first meeting with Donald Trump. Indeed, even with abnormally low expectations, Biden tripped over them as if they were sandbags. After watching post-debate reaction, it’s safe to say no modern presidential debate has ever rattled a political party quite like this one.


The scratchy and frail voice. The speedy mumbling — it was like watching a TV at 2x speed. The overall incoherence. The confused and angry stares. The jumbling of thoughts —“I was recently in, in, in, um, France for D-Day, and I spoke to — all about those heroes that died …” and so on — was relentless. It was difficult to watch.

Ed Morrissey

People forget this, but Debates 1 and 3 in 2020 were awful, too. In the first debate, both candidates so relentlessly talked over each other that it was a wash. But in the final debate, Biden's cognition and energy tailed off dramatically in the final half-hour and he stepped on a land mine with energy policy that his team had to paper over. Last night was 90 minutes of that Joe Biden, only more so, but the media and Dems insisted that Biden had been amazing and that we were all just lying about him.. 

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