New WH Spin: Biden Was Over-Prepared!

The intrigue: The finger-pointing began quickly among some White House officials over how Biden's inner circle had conducted the president's debate prep.

  • "He was over-prepared and relying on minutiae when all that mattered was vigor and energy," one person in Biden's orbit told Axios. "They prepared him for the wrong debate. He was over-prepared when what he needed was rest. It's confounding."
  • A former White House official argued that people needed to be fired, but lamented that probably wouldn't happen because Biden rarely dismisses people.

Ed Morrissey

Ironically., this was one of Trump's specific criticisms of Biden last night -- that no one gets held accountable for their failures, especially on Afghanistan and on Iran policy.

No one who saw that debate last night can possibly believe that Biden was "relying on minutiae." He was incoherently spouting platitudes and badly written zingers in between repeated verbal tics like 'the idea!' and 'here's the deal.' They're lying, but expect the media to run with it at some point. 

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