Hollywood Exploring Kübler-Ross Process After Debate

That admission captured some, but not all, of the industry’s reaction to arguably the worst presidential debate performance ever. Months of media misdirection about Biden’s cognitive health came to a screeching halt in 90 minutes.


Now, the media and the Left are screaming in near-unison that Biden must be replaced atop the Democratic ticket.

Why? They cannot hide Biden’s age-related decline anymore despite years of doing precisely that.

Ed Morrissey

Kübler-Ross proposed a five-stage grieving process many decades ago: anger, denial, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Right now, it looks as though Hollywood is exploring four of those stages post-debate. 

All That Jazz had a few vignettes of comedian Cliff Gorman discussing the Kübler-Ross process. I can't find a high-quality clip of it on YouTube, but perhaps Hollywood should pull this one out of the archives. 

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