Biden Will Not Leave Quietly

As soon as Biden began speaking last night, the event raised the question whether Biden could make it to the end of the debate. He made it through in his accustomed style. Now, it seems to me, the question is whether Biden can finish out his term in office. A second term should be ruled out. He patently lacks “the necessities.” The enemies of the United States are considering the possibilities.


What is Biden to do now, when the Democrat/Media Complex is abandoning him in light of his performance last night? He is to hang in there. He likes being King. Dr. Jill likes being Queen. He’s a stubborn kind of fellow. Is it unreasonable to foresee that they will rally once again to the cause of discouraging us from seeing what is in front of our nose when the members of the Democrat/Media Complex conclude they have no alternative?

Ed Morrissey

Biden is the smartest man he knows, and also the most capable, the most heroic, and the only bulwark between Trump and the Democrats. And Jill likes the job too much too. Good luck pushing him off the ticket. 

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