A Replacement Won't Save Dems

A great many people think that just about any replacement could beat Trump more easily than Biden could. I’ve long disagreed with that point of view. The reason I don’t think it’s any kind of slam dunk is that, if they’d had a good replacement for Biden, they would have gotten rid of him long before this.


Do you think other Democrats poll better than Biden? See this. Now, granted it’s from mid-February of this year, which is pretty old news. But it’s one of the few polls I could find that shows how Trump would do against leading Democrat contenders, and the answer is “pretty well.” Here are the stats at a time when Trump was leading Biden by only 1 point:

In a hypothetical match-up, Trump leads Vice President Harris 46 percent to 43 percent and California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) 46 percent to 36 percent. He also leads Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) 45 percent to 33 percent.

Ed Morrissey

And that was before Democrats -- including those in this poll -- got exposed as members in a conspiracy to defraud American voters about Biden's incapacity. There isn't a major figure in the Democrat Party who isn't complicit in this fraud, nor hardly any major mainstream-media outlet. 

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