The Expectations of the Trump vs Biden Showdown

Everyone is talking about the expectations of the Trump vs. Biden showdown. Straight out of the gate, people are already talking about Trump dominating and winning the debate against an old, addled man who mumbles and bumbles his words and can’t remember where he is or how to exit from the stage.


I say not so fast. We have all witnessed, over and over again, a slow-motion imbecilic Joe Biden meandering about when a camera is turned on and slurring, mumbling his way when a microphone is near the man.

But, Joe Biden has been holed up at Camp David all week prepping for the debate. I wonder if he already has the questions. It wouldn’t be surprising.

Ed Morrissey

Biden has managed to get through press appearances and did reasonably well in the SOTU, but he didn't take questions in the latter and takes very few in the former these days. But can Biden keep it up for 90 minutes in a competitive environment where he has to respond extemporaneously?

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