Miss Maryland Contestants: This Smells Rigged

The male winner goes by the name Bailey Anne Kennedy and identifies as a transgender woman. The day that he was crowned Miss Maryland USA was also the first day of Pride Month—a fact that was not lost on the contestants.


“I was shocked,” one contestant told The Daily Signal as she described how she found out that she was competing against a man. This contestant, who asked to remain anonymous to protect her privacy, will be identified as Contestant A. “I had mixed feelings. I started to think that the winner might be predetermined.”

“A transgender woman gets crowned during first day of transgender Pride Month?” she asked. “It did not seem like a coincidence. Especially when owner of the pageant is a transgender woman herself. I was feeling like neither myself nor my fellow contestants had a fair opportunity from the beginning.”

Ed Morrissey

I've never been crazy about beauty contests in the first place, but at least they used to be pretty clear on the biological pre-requisites. Heck, they didn't even allow married women to compete until very recently. (The Mrs. America pageant circuit exists for married women to compete.)

This does smell rigged, at least in the sense that the pageant and the judges wanted to act performatively in allowing a male to compete for the prize. Even if there's not explicit conspiracy to select that male as the winner, the incentives for judges to lean in that direction seem obvious. 

Our society is erasing women. And biology. 

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