Alec Baldwin Welches on Widower and Son of Woman He Killed

Actor Alec Baldwin, currently facing involuntary manslaughter charges due to his 2021 fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of "Rust," is reportedly several months late on a payment for a civil suit filed by Hutchins’s widower and son, according to a recent New York Times report.


Hutchins’s lawyer, Brian Panish, told the New York Times that they might sue Baldwin, Rust Movie Productions, and related parties for a breach of agreement nearly three years after Baldwin fatally shot Hutchins with a replica firearm Baldwin alleges he did not know was loaded with live rounds.

Ed Morrissey

Well, Baldwin probably is focusing his finances towards keeping himself out of prison. Still, he entered into this settlement, and if he doesn't honor it, Baldwin will have a lot fewer financial assets to fund his criminal defense, especially if he has to appeal a conviction. 

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