Its Not Fascism When They Do It

Showing up at someone’s home and trying to kick the door in because you don’t like what they say isn’t authoritarianism, you see, nor were the riots that gripped the nation in 2020 because of what happened with police in a given city. Violence from the left is never a step toward fascism because their causes are good.


Nor is their attempt to stifle free speech through restricting gun-related advertising and thus gun-related publications. Nor is their desire for hate speech restrictions that would inevitably morph into restrictions that go beyond mean words and racial slurs.

The right is so authoritarian, oddly enough, that they want all law-abiding citizens to have the means to resist a tyrannical government, but the left seeks to disarm the populace and their defense is that you can’t beat the US military in the first place, so why bother?

And they don’t think that sounds the least bit authoritarian.

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