Is This Payback for Calling Google Out?

After we called out Google’s AdSense network for labeling an editorial we wrote about heat waves and climate change “unreliable and harmful” — “Google Doesn’t Want You To Know The Truth About Heat Waves And ‘Climate Change’” — we suddenly found that it was blocking ads on 19 more articles for various alleged violations of its hopelessly vague content guidelines.


On any given day, there are only 15 or so total in the AdSense dog house, so this was a huge leap all at once.

Many of the articles were on the subject of climate change, but Google also decided to block its ads from appearing on one of our own I&I/TIPP poll stories (which it bizarrely claims contained “unreliable and harmful” content), as well as an article that was favorable to Donald Trump (also for “unreliable and harmful” content — because apparently saying anything nice about Trump is by definition unreliable and harmful). 

Ed Morrissey

Exposure of these practices have not yet yielded much result in behavior. That's what happens with near-monopolies. The House Oversight Committee announced last week that it will investigate Newsguard, one of the archipelago of 'misinformation' ratings groups used by big-tech platforms. I'll be keenly interested in what they find. 

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