Bowman Loses Bigly

Back in January, the rot began to show when J Street, the progressive Jewish organization that portrays itself as the left-wing alternative to AIPAC, pulled its endorsement of Bowman in response to his “framing and approach” to Hamas’s October 7 massacre in Israel. ...


In his concession speech, Bowman blamed his defeat on AIPAC, telling supporters “We should be outraged when a super PAC of dark money can spend $20 million to brainwash people into believing something that isn’t true.” Bowman added: “We should be outraged when, unfortunately, some so-called Democrats are aligning themselves with radical, racist, right-wing Republicans.” 

But Michael Levinson, a Latimer supporter at the event, said the opposite was true, and that Bowman’s defeat shows a desire to return to the sensible middle.

Ed Morrissey

Well, it's always easier to blame the Joooooos rather than yourself. Democrats may comfort themselves by casting aspersions on AIPAC, but they could be fatally fooling themselves too. Voters do not like chaos, and that's precisely what the Squad and its radical-progressive allies have created in the US. Unless Democrats find more alternatives like Latimer, voters will choose Republicans to replace them eventually. 

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