Another Radical Biden Appointment

[Tyler] Cherry has called for the abolition of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, compared America’s police with slave patrols, whined about “systemic racism,” embraced gender ideology, and opposed Israel. In other words, he embodies the Biden administration’s worst ideas and attitudes, including those that it tries to express more subtly to avoid alienating moderates.


Earlier this week, Fox News highlighted some of Cherry’s old X posts, prompting a backlash to the official’s past activism. Though White House senior deputy press secretary Andrew Bates told Fox that they’re “very proud to have Tyler on the team,” Cherry nonetheless deleted thousands of old social media posts, presumably to hide his other extreme positions from public view.

Cherry claims his work in the White House will be focused on climate. But his past positions—on Israel, particularly—remain concerning, given the Biden administration’s erratic messaging and policies on the Hamas-Israel War.

Ed Morrissey

There has been some effort to cast Cherry's radical and offensive statements as youthful indiscretions, as the saying goes. Many of those come from less than ten years ago, however, when the now-29-year-old Cherry was an adult, at least. 

And maybe the best lesson from this is to hire more experienced people than 29-year-olds for such senior and high-profile positions ... or at least people smart enough to clean up their social-media tracks. 

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