Trump vs. CNN and Biden

And in a blink, the CNN host has drawn real attention to the fact that the network has zero intention of practicing real journalism. CNN — where, full disclosure, I was once stationed as a commentator — is now, as this episode vividly illustrates, long gone from its former slogan that the network was “The Most Trusted Name in News.” And knowing and liking the CNN personnel involved in this, I feel sad they are in this situation.


But as Hunt made plain, CNN is now about her network colleagues routinely making disparaging comments about former President Trump with silly, Hitler comparisons and more, with Hunt and presumably others rallying to protect them from any discussion of their comments.

So having now blown up a routine interview to focus massive attention on CNN’s behavior, millions of Americans are being reminded that when the camera goes live on Thursday night, one of the candidates — Trump — will be pitted not against one opponent but three: President Biden and CNN moderators Tapper and Bash.

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