No Excuse for Christian Apathy on Abortion

Rosie the Riveter graced the cover of The Economist recently. She was pictured with her sleeves rolled up, a voting card in her hand, the raised-fist symbol of feminism on her collar, and “My Body, My Choice” tattooed on her arm underneath the headline, “Meet America’s most dynamic political movement.”


Women are lied to en masse and told that the only way they can be truly free or “empowered” like the Rosie the Riveter is having the “right” to kill their offspring.

Abortion has always been the lead topic of a “dynamic political movement,” but in the two years since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the battle surrounding it has only intensified. Not only is abortion the most dynamic political issue possibly ever to exist, it’s certainly the most consequential.

The fall of Roe two years ago struck a nerve in the Republican Party. True colors and inconsistencies were revealed as many in the GOP abandoned the life issue for silence and compromise. While Democrats run on the abortion issue, many Republicans run from it in retreat.

The same is sadly true for many churches and Christians who attempt to dismiss abortion as a partisan issue that just stirs up division. But the fact is that abortion is not a political issue that can be ignored; it’s a moral and spiritual issue of utmost importance.

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