Media Matters Paid Board Member/Biden Adviser Over $100K for Consulting

MMFA, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded to correct “conservative misinformation in the U.S. media,” paid $105,000 to a firm called ASR LLC in 2022, which it noted was owned by board member Tom Perez, according to tax filings. Perez, who currently works as a senior advisor to President Joe Biden — and previously served as the secretary of labor under President Barack Obama as well as the chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) — is the sole employee and president of ASR LLC, a White House ethics disclosure shows.


MMFA said it paid ASR LCC for “consultant advisory services,” according to tax filings. Perez became a MMFA board member in February 2021 and left the post in June 2023, according to his ethics disclosure. 

Ed Morrissey

It's not clear that this is unethical, let alone illegal. It probably doesn't help that Media Matters recently laid people off, which might raise questions about why that money didn't go to payroll. It's unclear what consulting services Perez might have been equipped to provide, but again, a bad business decision doesn't necessarily mean an unlawful business decision. 

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